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The global pollock quota in 2024 is 4 million tons, a record high!

Publish Date 2023-12-19
The global pollock quota in 2024 is 4 million tons, a record high!

In 2024, the global pollock fishing quota will see a surge. Both Russia and the United States have plans to increase their catches, bringing the total global quota to nearly 4 million tons.
In Russia, the increase in pollock quota is relatively obvious. Next year's TAC quota is set at 2.28 million tons, an increase of 200,000 tons from 2023, an increase of 10.6%.

In absolute terms, the Western Bering Sea saw the largest increase in quotas, reaching 14% to 700,000 tons, the highest since 2018.

The quota for the Sea of Okhotsk increased by 6% to 951,500 tons, a new high in nearly three years, but still below the 1 million tons in 2020.

At the Groundfish Forum in October, Alexey Buglak, chairman of the Russian Pollock Fishing Association, said that the Russian pollock population is expected to remain stable in 2025/26, and that the increase in reproduction in the Sea of Okhotsk in 2021 will have an effect as early as 2026.

However, Russia's quota fulfillment this year remains uncertain. On the one hand, quotas in all waters have increased, and commercial fishing coverage is limited; on the other hand, historical quota completion is generally not close to 100%, usually 92-93%. If the quota is 220,000 tons, the actual production will be About 2 million tons.

As of the first 11 months of this year, Russia's quota completion rate was 84.7%, slightly higher than the 82.8% in the same period last year.

In the United States, the North Pacific Fishery Management Council (NPFMC) in the United States just held its annual meeting and decided to slightly increase pollock quotas.

Specifically, the Alaska pollock fishing limit (TAC) totals 1.519 million tons, an increase of 2.6% from 1.475 million tons in 2023.

Quotas for the Eastern Bering Sea region are 1.3 million tons and the Aleutian Islands are 19,000 tons, both unchanged from last year. The quota for the Bogoslof region was reduced from 300 tons to 250 tons.

The quota for the Gulf of Alaska region is 195,720 tons, up from 156,578 tons in 2023, a year-on-year increase of 25%.

Except for the United States and Russia, other North Pacific countries have relatively small quotas. The total quotas of Japan and South Korea are around 200,000 tons, and the change in output next year is not expected to be too obvious. Therefore, the total global pollock quota in 2024 is expected to be around 4 million tons.

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